About Us

S.M. Ramzan Gillani

Advocate High Court (MA , LL.B & LL.M)
We have launched website www.taxhelplines.com.pk and www.taxhelplines.pk. They are highly informative and useful websites for all the concerned people; Tax Managers, Tax Collectors Tax Consultants, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers and Students of Taxation. We have given preference to case laws and important paras or concluding paras of judgments side by side the detailed judgments, illustrations and other relevant information. We may continuously upload data day to day on our websites. The taxhelpline is very helpful for taxpayers and tax consultants. We are continuously working on research for the facilitation of trade and industries and solutions of their day to day tax problems. www.taxhelplines.com.pk and www.taxhelplines.pk is a climax of our achievements for taxpayers. You may learn more taxation at our website. We hope you will benefits of our research and experience. We shall welcome your suggestions for further improvement. You may also share authenticated information and tax materials.

Our Publications

S.M Ramzan Gillani has been writing Journals and Books for the last many years. “Sales Tax Law & Practice”, “Customs Law & Practice”, “Income Tax Law & Practice”, “Pakistan Customs Guideline” are very successful Publications of the Author. These publications are full of information and knowledge.
The very outstanding point of these publications are simple English language. The author has set issue-specific headlines from the case laws and judgments of the Superior Courts. In these Publications Author provide you multiple information regarding the Case Laws, Judgments, Citations, Clarifications, Standing Orders etc. These publications are very helpful for Tax Managers, Consultants, Advocates and Student of Taxation.